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More Than Meets The Eye 👀
✨ I'm a premium aluminium bottle, designed to last and be on show
✨ When you choose to refill with me, I can save you money
✨ I have a smaller carbon footprint as my refills are highly concentrated so contain 80% less water
✨ When you buy me, 5% of profits go to Charity (find out more)
✨ You can save even more money when you choose to refill me from a local stockist near you (find a stockist)

Mix & Match New Product Bundle - Want to try some of our new and exciting products? This mix and match bundle deal is a great way to choose your faves and bag a sustainable bargain at the same time!

What is included in this mix and match bundles
1x Washing up Liquid of your choice, 1x Floor Cleaner of your choice & 1x Pepermint Toilet Cleaner


Please write in the free text box which scent you would like for the washing up liquid and also the floor cleaner - If the text box is left blank then we will select the scents for you.


Choose from the following products:


1x Washing Up Liquid - Ready To Use 500ml - Choose from:

  • Sweet Orange
  • Citronella
  • Lavender
  • Lemon & Lime


1x Floor Cleaner Ready To Use 500ml - Choose from:

  • Lemongrass
  • Lavender & Rosemary

1x Toilet Cleaner Ready To Use 500ml 

  • Peppermint


We have different closure options available from pumps to pourers depending on application preferance for your washing up liquid, floor cleaner and toilet cleaner.

Recomended number of pumps per products use is 3/4.


* Pro Tip: If you have purchased a pourer with your Washing Up Liquid or Toilet Cleaner you can reduce the flow rate at which your cleaner pours if desired by using a pair of pliers to pinch the breather tube slightly on the pourer (small pipe tail coming out the bottom of the pourer). The more you pinch the the pipe the slower your cleaner will pour - Now that's precision cleaning! *(Please note: This is not a reversable change. If you pinch the pipe too much you will need to cut off a section and try again).

Mix & Match Product Bundle


All of our Cleaners are fully Biodegradable and our Aluminium Bottles & caps are 100% Recyclable - But why not fill them up again with our Aluminium Refill bottles and do your bit for the environment as well as save some cash?!

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