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More Than Meets The Eye 👀
I'm a premium aluminium bottle, designed to last and be on show
I’m small but mighty. Only 100ml of me will give you a 500ml ready to use cleaner when diluted. Who says bigger is better?
When you choose to refill with me, I can save you money
I carry a smaller carbon footprint because I’m concentrated so contain 80% less water
When you buy me, 5% of profits go to Charity (find out more)
You can save even more money when you choose to refill me from a local stockist near you (find a stockist)


All Purpose - Refill Concentrate 500ml


1x Refill Bottle will make up 5x 500ml elmkind Lavender & Tea Tree All Purpose spray bottles

That is the power of 2.5 litres of ready to use product when diluted with water in a small 500ml bottle that fits neatly on your shelf or under your sink.

That equates to £3 a refill !


elmkind's Lavender & Tea Tree All Purpose Cleaner - Refill Concentrate is made with natural organic ingredients and uses only organic essentials oils for its scent, and all ingredients are clearly labelled so you'll never find any hidden nasties!


elmkind's Lavender & Tea Tree All Purpose Cleaner is a natural cleaner which is gentle enough to be used on any surfaces but tough enough to tackle the dirt!

Simply measure out and pour 100ml of this concentrate into your aluminium All Purpose Cleaner Bottle and fill the rest with 400ml of water (preferably purified water for best results). Then get your shake on for 5 seconds and you're ready to go!

Subscriptions Information
Subscriptions available at any desired delivery frequency. Simply checkout any subscription product and we will email you to confirm frequency and set up direct debits for all subscriptions.Multiple subscriptions available, fully customisable to suit your needs. Amend, cancel or request SEND NOW at any time. All confirmed via email.

Lavender & Tea Tree All Purpose Cleaner - 5x Refill


All of our Cleaners are fully Biodegradable and our Aluminium Bottles & Caps are 100% Recyclable - But why not buy a refill bottle so you can reuse your spary bottles again and again to do your bit for the environment as well as save some cash?!

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